top 5 best text editor for mac you need to know

top 5 best text editor for mac you need to know. we all know that mac's don't come with a text editor, unlike windows. so if want to edit code or text you will need to know top 5 best text editor for mac.

a great advantage of windows over macs is that it comes with a text editing apps which is lacking in mac. so if you want to edit text on mac you must know the best text editor for mac.

if you want to edit a document or edit any kind of text on mac you will need to know about the third party text editor apps for mac which wouldn't be required in the windows side.

in our work or any other way, we need to edit text daily which if we want to do that on a mac then we must choose the right text editor for mac out there to get the most.

why text editors are important in mac

because there is no text editor for mac inbuild in macOS many others have made a vast number of text editor for mac and each of them gives you different kinds of features over the other.

if you want to get your work done and edit your text in mac without any problem you will need to choose the best text editor for mac which will meet your needs better than others.

if you want to get the right text editor for mac then you will need to search a lot because there are a lot of text editor for mac out there. choosing the best text editor for mac is not going to be simple for you.

which text editor you should choose

that's why we have done the hard work for you by testing of all the popular text editor for mac, then we have narrowed them down to a list of only top 5 best text editing apps for mac you need to know.

in this list, you need to know you will find every kind of text editor from them you will be able to easily chose the right text editor for that will meet your need.

top 5 best text editor for mac you need to know


  • 1. Adobe Brackets

starting with the number 1 in our list of top 5 best text editor for mac you need to know is  Adobe Brackets.

Adobe Brackets top 5 best text editor for mac you need to know

Adobe Brackets is a fantastic alternative to notepad ++ that we get from windows with the added bonus that it is free to use which makes it much more appealing to use.

Adobe Brackets will fulfil all of your code editing and text editing need and you will get a great time using this great free to use text editing apps for mac.

One of the biggest advantages of using an editor made by Adobe is that you can use a feature named extract to get different colours, fonts, gradients, and measurements from the document.

Adobe Brackets will extract the information automatically and turn it into a clean CSS severely reducing the amount of time it would take to convert that file into a website.

so if you are looking for a text editor you must take a look Adobe Brackets to get all of your code editing and text editing work very easily in mac.

  • 2. Atom

next up at number 2 in our list of top 5 best text editor for mac you need to know is another great text editor which is Atom by Github.

Atom top 5 best text editor for mac you need to know

this Atom program was created by GitHub and made for online use. one of Atom's biggest advantages over any other code editor or any other text editor for mac is that it is very hackable.

Atom is an open-source app that means users post packages that modify how Atom functions and looks which is very useful for you.

one great use of that open sources is that if you want to make the text editing apps for mac much more suitable for your own need by modifying yourself.

from history managers to themes, for the most part, the text editor for mac can be changed using JavaScript and HTML so you won't need to know a complex language in order to change it up a bit.

  • 3. Komodo Edit Program

up next at number 3 spot in our list of top 5 best text editor for mac you need to know we have yet again another great editor named Komodo Edit Program.

Komodo Edit Program

Komodo Edit Program's integrated development environment or IDE is popular among developers however not everybody needs a full IDE to use for their own projects or tasks.

That's why Komodo Edits provides an alternative for people who don't need such intensive software like the Komodo Edit Program.

Komodo Edits does this by including several main features of Komodo IDE like markdown viewing and multi-language support and many more.

you will be sure to get all of the important and essential features that you will need to edit your text and you will get some more powerful features that you will never need too. 

  • 4. J Edit

at number 4 position in our list of top 5 best text editing apps for mac you need to know is a great text editing program called J Edit.

J Edit

J edit describes itself as a great editing app in the mac app store which is made for the more mature programmers who know what they are doing and want a more complex text editing apps in mac.

J Edit text editor combines a lot of the most popular features that are found on windows Linux text editors. it has a ton of keyboard shortcuts for almost any function you use.

there is unlimited clipboard space that allows you to copy and paste as much you need to which you will do a lot in your code editing as well as text editing.

windows can be split up so you can do more efficient editing and the rectangular selection tool makes it much easier to select text and does it much quicker.

  • 5. Textwrangler

at last in the number 5 and the last in our list of top 5 best text editing apps for mac you need to know is Textwrangler.


We all know BB Edits is a very well known and popular text editor in the app store which everyone wants to use but because not everyone will want to spend $50 for a single IDE program.

only because of these developers of the BB Edits have come up with an alternative text editor which is called Textwrangler.

Textwrangler is like a smaller edition of the BB edit IDE as it comes with many of the great features that made BB edit a great program to use to develop code which is great for us.

some of its most prominent features include a shebang menu made to allow for integrated entree to UNIX scripting, the creation of language modules, syntax highlighting, and one that allows for automatic language predicting.

we all hope that you have liked your list of top 5 best text editor for mac you need to know. if you didn't let us know in the comments below.